5.1 Adaptive Liquidity Provision (ALP)

  1. Introduction to ALP

VersaX’s ALP is an innovative system designed to dynamically adjust liquidity in response to market conditions, aiming for optimal capital efficiency and minimized impermanent loss. This dynamic approach to liquidity management leverages real-time data and complex calculations to maintain a competitive edge for liquidity providers.

  1. Theoretical Framework

The ALP operates on the principle that liquidity should be a function of market volatility (σt) and trading volume (Vt). The underlying hypothesis is that in times of high volatility, the risk of impermanent loss increases, and therefore, the liquidity provided (Lt) should be adjusted to mitigate this risk.

Mathematical Notation:

Vt: Trading volume at time t.

σt: Volatility of the asset at time t.

Lt: Liquidity provided at time t.

f(Vt, σt): Function determining the optimal liquidity based on volume and volatility.

Optimal Liquidity Function:

The optimal liquidity at any given time t is determined by the function:

Lt = f(Vt, σt) = k · (Vt / σtα)


k: Proportionality constant.

α: Volatility weighting factor, typically greater than 1.

The higher the volatility (σt), the more the liquidity provision (Lt) is reduced to protect against impermanent loss.

  1. Dynamic Swap Fee Mechanism

The dynamic swap fee is a function of the liquidity and volatility in the market. The fee increases with volatility to compensate liquidity providers for the increased risk.

Swap Fee Function:

Let St be the swap fee at time t. The dynamic swap fee is given by:

St = g(σt) = β · σtγ


β: Base fee level.

γ: Volatility fee multiplier, determining fee sensitivity to changes in volatility.

  1. Liquidity Adjustment Algorithm

VersaX employs an algorithm that periodically adjusts the liquidity in response to market conditions.

Algorithm Steps:

Data Collection: Obtain Vt and σt from the market.

Liquidity Calculation: Compute Lt using the optimal liquidity function.

Fee Update: Adjust St based on the current volatility using the swap fee function.

Liquidity Provision Adjustment: Update the liquidity pools with Lt and the swap fee schedule with St.

  1. Risk Management

To quantify the risk and potential impermanent loss, the following formula is used:

Impermanent Loss Function:

Given two assets A and B, with prices pA and pB respectively, the impermanent loss (IL) when the price of A changes to p'A is given by:

IL = 2 · √(σB/p'A) - (pA/pB + p'B/p'A)

  1. ALP Implementation

The ALP system is implemented via smart contracts that execute the above algorithms and adjust the liquidity and fees in real-time.

Smart Contract Functions:

  • updateLiquidity(uint256 V_t, uint256 \sigma_t): Updates the liquidity levels based on the latest volume and volatility data.

  • updateSwapFee(uint256 \sigma_t): Updates the swap fee schedule based on the current asset volatility.

7. Practical Application of ALP

  • Market Condition Monitoring: ALP continuously monitors market conditions, including asset volatility, trading volume, and external market factors.

  • Optimal Liquidity Determination: Implements optimization algorithms to solve for the optimal liquidity provision levels.

  • Liquidity Adjustment: Increases or decreases liquidity provision based on market conditions to capture trading fees or minimize impermanent loss.

  • Risk Mitigation: Employs risk assessment algorithms and provides tools for liquidity providers to set risk preferences.

The Adaptive Liquidity Provision feature on VersaX is meticulously engineered to optimize liquidity provision dynamically, providing liquidity providers with a distinct competitive advantage and ensuring they can adapt swiftly to market conditions.

Last updated